3/17/2023 0 Comments You Are a Creator"If you say, "I just don't understand her," you won't. If you say, "I just can't do that," you can't. You create your own reality, your own laws, out of your own divine nature. For the sake of God within you, and for the sake of God beyond you, get smart. You create your own hell; you create your own heaven. As a creator, it's your choice." John-Roger, DSS
“The pleasures of heaven are with me, and the pains of hell are with me, The first I graft and increase upon myself ... the latter I translate into a new tongue.”- Walt Whitman Peace inside of me and peace in Ukraine, Russia, Iran and the world. Peace be still. LLS Richard Powell Essence-into-form.com Heal.me/richardpowell Art- John Martin (1789–1854): Joshua Commanding the Sun to Stand Still upon Gibeon, 1816
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