"Richard is one of the rare consultants who has real life experience running a large company as well as years of deep experience as a student and leader in the transformational education, spiritual psychology and personal development worlds. He understands what is becoming an unstoppable, yet still not fully recognized, trend called variously, People First, Conscious Capitalism, Compassionate Capitalism, Triple Bottom Line... If you value wisdom gained through experience over theory and concept gained through books and classroom then you'd do well to work with Richard."
-Terry Tillman, President 22/7 Company
"Richard has written a clear, concise, and practical guide to greater spiritual growth and expansion. His book, classes and individual counseling are valuable tools to personal development and living an authentic, Spirit centered, easier and Grace filled life." - Mary Ellen Agolia, PhD
"My Essence Into Action journey began as a way to establish myself at a new leaner agile health baseline, open up myself to greater financial abundance and means of living life forward with greater freedom, and beginning to build on coaching and counselling others.
What I experienced was all of that and more. In fact, the most profound result is a deeper level of knowing I am safe and protected in all that I do, expansion is what is up for me (not contraction, not to hold on to what I have or simply because that is what I have told myself as I age up), and I can move towards all the adventures that come present for me to do.
I am just beginning to step fully into my dreams and it is all here for me right now. This program has helped me see I am already doing it……and simply continue on awakening, expanding, and enjoying the journey.
My heartfelt gratitude to Richard for manifesting and facilitating this journey within a journey."– Mollie Morgan, Nevada
"Richard Powell's program, ESSENCE INTO ACTION, is a three month journey through the known, unknown and bridging the unknown into the known. His process lays out a staircase of grace, to step, one at a time, into my authentic alignment. With Richard's support and guidance, the power of the group and engagement in the work, I moved mountains, shifted paradigms and re-aligned universes. I am 1000% grateful for the experience and the tools for my continued expansion. Thank you Richard and the EIA Group!" - Richard Flank, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
"Essence into Action is a loving, kind, non-confrontational, supportive space to clarify and create the true essence and living vision of what you want to create in your life.
Richard Powell is a master in guiding you in uncovering and letting go of any thoughts, beliefs, emotions, or physical situations that are in the way of its manifestation in the most loving and gentle way. He’s really funny, too.
As a result, my heart has opened.. I have been experiencing more abundance, joy, freedom, loving, and laughter." - Susan Kamei, Santa Monica, CA
"I woke up early one morning seeking direction and opened my computer to a post from Richard.
Triangle of manifestation.
My heart leapt and my soul said yes. I emailed him at once and said “I need to work with you.”
I didn’t even know exactly what he did or how he did it but I knew to trust my instincts. And I knew I needed direction.
What I got was inspiration.
Full hearted, fully present, committed completely engaged, FOR me and my highest good inspiration.
The best teachers/guides don’t give you answers. They ask compelling questions that guide your inner wisdom keeper to the truth.
They don’t give opinions or tell you what to do, they inspire you to be your best self.
Richard inspires me!
This is only the beginning.
Richard’s way of guiding connects you with the divine. I quickly melt into the presence of Christed white light, assured, safe, purposeful yet open to all possibilities. We meet in the field of knowing and mystery.
There are no limits to the potential of creative force that working with Richard brings into your life. I revisit the techniques and processes I’ve learned from him time and time again to expand my consciousness, clarify my dreams, and manifest my highest purpose in this life.
He is truly a spiritual coach of the highest order. Pure. A conduit of goodness with a heart of alchemical gold. I am so blessed to work with him in this life." -
Cass Naumann, Doctor of Integrative Medicine• Acupuncturist • Herbalist • Alchemist at
Original Spirit Healing Arts, Dr. Cass Naumann, DACOM, LAc.
"What I appreciate about you in particular, Richard, is that you have put many of the tools that we all know about into such a usable form, that I personally have experienced tangible, immediate and lasting value. The first coaching session you and I had many moons ago immediately shifted gears for me in such a way that I began experiencing the manifestation of "essence into form" in my everyday life almost instantaneously. Thank you Richard and I appreciate how you have brought forth practical spirituality into my life in such a masterful way." - Doug Kierulff, Realtor, Portland, Oregon
"Richard is a deep listener. Just being on a call with him gets me "unstuck" and moving. He brings a unique ability to make me laugh even in the midst of upset and then deliver insights and wisdom that lift me back onto my path, ready to move forward, more at peace with myself and more able to see my opportunities and my blessings. He brings the wisdom of a father, the acumen of a businessman, the heart of a deep spiritual path together in a soul-satisfying way." - Stede Barber, Fine Artist, Soul Art Guide
"Richard Powell's work evokes an expansive sense of abundance. It is notable that he approaches the experience of abundance on many levels and from a number of directions. His approach is both inwardly joyful and outwardly practical."
-David Bransky, Assistant Dean at Ventura College and Higher Education Consultant
"My life is overflowing with inner and outer abundance and I’m very thankful to you for believing in me and all of us and holding the Light for the highest good as well as offering the beautiful classes workshops consulting and smorgasbord of opportunities for healing attunement and Divine remembering. Lots of love to you my friend."
- Lucy Dickenson, Musician, Photographer, Artist; Lake Chelan, Washington
"The class was powerful. The approach was a consistent singular focus that produced unexpected gifts.
The simple format drew me into a deeper inner space to listen and attune to the spirit which is continuing after the completion of the class. "
-Martha Ringer, California
"In January 2016 I began the “33-Days from Essence to Form-Living Your Authentic Abundance” workshop. What I experienced each day of the 33 days was truly magical! There is much I could say, much of Being very personal experiences. The inner experiences were of course very profound and my outer experiences were surprising. Within a very short time, I began to experience Abundance in the form of money, which came in the most unexpected multiple ways. I would say the forms that I received them were truly miracles. Along with that, came many answers to questions I was not consciously aware were there. I followed the 33-Day workshop with the first of another workshop of Richard's, which is a weekend workshop “Essence Manifesting into Form”. The day after that weekend workshop, I received a phone message very unexpectedly about a job opening. I spoke to HR that day, had an interview the following day and started immediately after, all happened that last day I was moving out of my home. Many miracles have come about with that experience. Moving during this time was a challenge, however it is a Blessing. The move has helped me clear up some things from the past that are becoming Blessings.
The abundance continues to flow through my life and although I know it begins with what is within me and my intentions, the mentoring and the Light that Richard opens up to come through him has been just perfect for me. Words couldn’t fully express the immense Gratitude and Love I have for Richard and the work that comes through him. I thank God for all I have experienced thus far and am in awe of it all. I look forward to the work that Richard and I continue to do now and in the future. I send Light and Love to all those who are guided to experience this work."
God Bless us All.
Darlene Heart, Albuquerque, New Mexico
"Richard is a priceless treasure! His heartfelt presence, guidance and trusted intuition led me deeper into my own brilliance and inner awareness. He brings such peace and wisdom to our time together, and I immediately drop into Truth, and the noise falls away. He is generous, funny and real, truly showing up and interested, personally and professionally. He also brings his skillful "toolbelt" to support deep transformation in each session, all with the feeling of grace and ease. I am truly grateful for you Richard!"
-Sylvia Valentine, Santa Cruz, California at SylviaValentine.com
"Magical and Practical at the same time."
-Heather Brown, Toronto, Canada
"I've been working with Richard in a one-to-one situation for 40 or so days. His work is completely spirit-led and original for each client. He's gentle, supportive and expansive. If you don't have your list of intentions, he'll help you uncover them. From my list, the big first one has been crossed off, the 2nd is accomplishing day by day and today we cracked open one that has puzzled me all my life. Now I'm so excited to see how it's going to come forward. Treat yourself to sessions with Richard as your facilitator and think :miraculous!"
-Ruth Drayer, Las Cruces, New Mexico, Numerologist and artist at Cybernumbers.com
"This process was deeply anchored in and spirit directed. Rather than focusing on the end results I simply relaxed and immersed myself in the journey receiving each day’s learning. I was nourished by Richard's individual blessings that Spirit brought forward through his loving presence. I am experiencing greater joy and enthusiasm as a result. My goal of greater financial abundance manifested quite authentically and naturally within me and was then matched on the outer. Quite magical!"
-M.R., Ojai, California
"I have known Richard Powell, both personally and professionally for many years. He achieved outstanding success at a very young age as the owner/operator of the largest, independently owned grocery chain in El Paso, Texas. Part of his
success was due to the fact that he conducted his business with integrity; a strong desire to give to his community, and the fact that he always provided kind and respectful service to everyone.
Throughout the years, we have worked together in many different capacities, and I consider him to be one of my most treasured friends. He has been a tremendous support to me and my entire family through the many experiences that life brings.
He is a gifted counselor. He has certainly mastered person- centered counseling skills thus making him an extraordinary listener. Great wisdom always comes forth as a result of a session with Richard. One always walks away with greater
awareness, greater peace and hope and solutions to very difficult problems. It is an honor to share this testimony."
-C.W., Dallas, Texas
"During my tenure as President/CEO of a bank in El Paso, Texas and later serving in the same position with a Dallas, Texas bank, I established a business relationship with Richard Powell, President/CEO of Big 8 Food Stores headquartered in El Paso.
Under Richard's leadership, I witnessed the successful growth of the Big 8 Food Store chain to twelve (12) stores in El Paso and surrounding areas, with annual sales of approximately $132.0 million, while providing employment to approximately 1,200 individuals. Big 8 Food Stores was El Paso's largest supermarket chain. The success of Big 8 Food Stores was the direct result of Richard Powell's vision and hard work.
In 2006, Richard made the decision to sell the stores in order to pursue other business interests.
I have maintained both a business and personal relationship with Richard Powell that spans well over thirty years.
Richard Powell's success speaks for itself"
-KW, Dallas, Texas
-Sylvia Valentine, Santa Cruz, California at SylviaValentine.com
"Magical and Practical at the same time."
-Heather Brown, Toronto, Canada
"I've been working with Richard in a one-to-one situation for 40 or so days. His work is completely spirit-led and original for each client. He's gentle, supportive and expansive. If you don't have your list of intentions, he'll help you uncover them. From my list, the big first one has been crossed off, the 2nd is accomplishing day by day and today we cracked open one that has puzzled me all my life. Now I'm so excited to see how it's going to come forward. Treat yourself to sessions with Richard as your facilitator and think :miraculous!"
-Ruth Drayer, Las Cruces, New Mexico, Numerologist and artist at Cybernumbers.com
"This process was deeply anchored in and spirit directed. Rather than focusing on the end results I simply relaxed and immersed myself in the journey receiving each day’s learning. I was nourished by Richard's individual blessings that Spirit brought forward through his loving presence. I am experiencing greater joy and enthusiasm as a result. My goal of greater financial abundance manifested quite authentically and naturally within me and was then matched on the outer. Quite magical!"
-M.R., Ojai, California
"I have known Richard Powell, both personally and professionally for many years. He achieved outstanding success at a very young age as the owner/operator of the largest, independently owned grocery chain in El Paso, Texas. Part of his
success was due to the fact that he conducted his business with integrity; a strong desire to give to his community, and the fact that he always provided kind and respectful service to everyone.
Throughout the years, we have worked together in many different capacities, and I consider him to be one of my most treasured friends. He has been a tremendous support to me and my entire family through the many experiences that life brings.
He is a gifted counselor. He has certainly mastered person- centered counseling skills thus making him an extraordinary listener. Great wisdom always comes forth as a result of a session with Richard. One always walks away with greater
awareness, greater peace and hope and solutions to very difficult problems. It is an honor to share this testimony."
-C.W., Dallas, Texas
"During my tenure as President/CEO of a bank in El Paso, Texas and later serving in the same position with a Dallas, Texas bank, I established a business relationship with Richard Powell, President/CEO of Big 8 Food Stores headquartered in El Paso.
Under Richard's leadership, I witnessed the successful growth of the Big 8 Food Store chain to twelve (12) stores in El Paso and surrounding areas, with annual sales of approximately $132.0 million, while providing employment to approximately 1,200 individuals. Big 8 Food Stores was El Paso's largest supermarket chain. The success of Big 8 Food Stores was the direct result of Richard Powell's vision and hard work.
In 2006, Richard made the decision to sell the stores in order to pursue other business interests.
I have maintained both a business and personal relationship with Richard Powell that spans well over thirty years.
Richard Powell's success speaks for itself"
-KW, Dallas, Texas