12/7/2021 0 Comments The Paradox"Once we connect to and drink from the well of consciousness, we might experience a real paradox. It is quite possible that there will come such a sense of personal wholeness that we will find it difficult to want anything.
Wants and desires come from lacking something, someone, someplace, or some time. So the irony is that once we arrive at this space to create from, we no longer need anything, because the lack and emptiness from which we desired those things has been eliminated, replaced by a feeling of wholeness. As a result, we just want to linger in the feelings of balance, love, and coherence. This, I feel, is the beginning of true unconditional love. Feeling a sense of love and awe for life without needing anything outside of us is freedom. It is no longer being attached to external elements." - Dr. Joe Dispenza Peace be still. LLS Richard Powell Essence-into-form.com “Cathedral of the Forest Deva's”, by Jonathan Wiltshire
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