7/4/2023 0 Comments The Light"Light is a concept that permeates all religions, most philosophies, and several sciences. Quantum physics is based upon it. Stated simply, light is the energy that permeates all things. This Light responds to human thought and, more importantly, the intention of the heart.One of the greatest gifts we can give is to "send the Light."We can send Light, either to ourselves or to others, by saying or thinking, "I ask that the Light be sent for their highest good and the highest good of all concerned." That's all there is to it. That's sending the Light.We add "for the highest good of all concerned" to keep our personal wants and desires out of the situation. As inconceivable as it may seem to our ego, we may not always know what's best for all people in all situations. We send the Light "for the highest good of all concerned" so that in case our thoughts on how something should be happen to be slightly inaccurate, the highest good will nonetheless take place.Sending Light for the highest good of all concerned allows us to relax. We can trust that whatever happens after sending the Light for the highest good of all concerned is for the highest good of all concerned. We need not feverishly manipulate the outcome to be whatever we think best. John-Roger, DSS
"...This Light responds to human thought and, more importantly, the intention of the heart." Peace inside of me and peace in the world. May the wall both inside of me and any wall in the world be dissolved so peace and grace and loving flow freely. .LLS Richard Powell www.Essence-into-form.com Heal.me/richardpowell Art by Tomas Sanchez
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