7/21/2018 0 Comments The Koan"You don't have to understand something that is already within you; you just have to awaken to your experience of it. Then understanding appears.
The sleeper goes for abundance by manifesting illusion out of greed and insecurity. The one who is awakened only has to take in the next breath." - John-Roger A koan for you... ko·an ˈkōän/ noun noun: koan; plural noun: koans a paradoxical anecdote or riddle, used in Zen Buddhism to demonstrate the inadequacy of logical reasoning and to provoke enlightenment. May you go past logic into the enlightenment. The Blessings already are. LLS Richard Powell Authentic-Abundance.weebly.com The Master's Path to Creation Workshop in Ruidoso, New Mexico on Aug 24-26 and LOS ANGELES ON SEPT 14-16. Coming soon to Canada Art by David Zydd
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