3/25/2022 0 Comments The Beauty of Death"The beauty of death is its freedom.
What do you care what people think when you are dying? What do you care about success or failure? As you focus on your death, you will begin to focus on your priorities, on what is really important." - John-Roger I was sitting with her at our favorite coffee place, outside, in the sun. Her face had a huge grin on it, full of bliss. "Everything is so beautiful!", she said, as the wind blew through her hair. I slid into her realm and everything went technicolor, the sounds were musical, the air was soft. This earth was magic. She was dying. She would leave within the next few months. I caught a glimpse. May we be born to the magic now. Live in the beauty and the truth beyond the illusion of this world. Peace inside of me and peace to Ukraine and Russia. Peace be still. LLS Richard Powell Essence-into-form.com Art by Ivan Aivazovski, Night in the Crimea. View of Ayu-Dag, 1850
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