12/14/2022 0 Comments Step Into It“When the Soul wants to experience something he throws out an image in front of him and then steps into it.”
― Meister Eckhart "It is an advantage to reside in the physical body because, through that vehicle, we can experience all other levels. We can experience physical, imaginative, emotional, mental, and unconscious expressions. We learn that we can create in each of these levels and that we can create in either a negative or a positive way. We can create beauty or ugliness, dreams through which we can fulfill ourselves or dreams through which we can destroy ourselves. We can create happiness or unhappiness, a bright, active, creative mind or a mind filled with the static of too many memories or unrealistic expectations of the future. We can create and maintain conscious direction over ourselves or allow the unconscious urges of our personality to control and direct us. These choices - positive and negative uses of energy - exist for each individual." John-Roger, DSS May we experience joy, prosperity, and deep peace. Peace inside of me and peace in Ukraine, Russia and the world. Peace be still. LLS Richard Powell Essence-into-form.com Heal.me/richardpowell Art by Nicholas Roerich, The glory of Himalayas
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