4/20/2022 0 Comments Shams"Intellect takes you to the door, but it doesn't take you into the house." ~ Shams Tabrizi
"The past is an interpretation. The future is on illusion. The world does not move through time as if it were a straight line, proceeding from the past to the future. Instead, time moves through and within us, in endless spirals. Eternity does not mean infinite time, but simply timelessness. If you want to experience eternal illumination, put the past and the future out of your mind and remain within the present moment." ~ Shams Tabrizi Shams-i Tabrīzī or Shams al-Din Mohammad was a Persian Shafi'ite poet, who is credited as the spiritual instructor of Rumi. He lived in what is now Iran from 1185-1248. Peace inside of me and peace to Ukraine and Russia. Peace be still. LLS Richard Powell Essence-into-form.com Heal.me/richardpowell Art by Gustav Bauernfeind (1848–1904) The Gate Of The Great Umayyad Mosque, Damascus
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