12/8/2019 0 Comments Sawan Singh"The human body is a cage. Within it is imprisoned the spirit or soul, which is like a bird in a cage. The bird is in love with the cage and is always singing songs of attachment for the earth. If, however, the covers, or bodies, are cast off from the soul, the bird begins to taste the Truth, and the cage is shattered into fragments. The bird then flies away to its home, which is in Sach Khand [the Realm of Truth]...When the veils are torn, millions of enrapturing joys which constitute the "peace that passeth understanding," are all attained."
-Huzur Sawan Singh (1858-1948) Time for Sawan Singh. May your freedom and liberation from the attachments to this world come well before the body dies. May you step into full awareness of the flow of Spirit and ride on that while you walk upon this earth. Peace be still. LLS Richard Powell Essence-into-form.com Coming in January, 2020 - THE TRIANGLE OF MANIFESTATION 6 WEEK INTENSIVE.
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