9/15/2022 0 Comments Positive Focus"To change the negative aura, you focus on the positive. You direct yourself toward the positive…you do not push away the negative. To focus on the negative and attempt to cast it out will reinforce it, and give energy to it. As you focus on the positive, as you pull the positive in in greater and stronger ways, you simply find that you have less and less room for the negative. You “image in” or imagine things as good. You see the good in yourself and others and in all situations. If negativity starts to creep in, lift above it. See the good. If you want to change from negative to positive as your primary focus in life, stop looking out at the injustices of the world, and start looking in to the God that dwells within you. The negative perceives looking out. The positive perceives looking in." -John-Roger
It's as if you open the door from going outside on a sunny day into a dark room. The light fills the room. May you day be filled with the Light. Peace inside of me and peace in Ukraine and Russia for the highest good. Peace be still. LLS Richard Powell Essence-into-form.com Heal.me/richardpowell Artist unknown
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