7/28/2021 0 Comments Observing our Being"Observing our beingness is the process that releases
us and opens us and expands us to let the Spirit flow through us. Yes, it is a miracle, but if we try to partake of it through our egos, we block it. And so we have to maintain our openness. We have to say simply, "Lord, I receive, and I am grateful." It doesn't matter what religion you practice; we must all surrender to the highest source we can. All of us must ask for protection, for that is what surrender really is -- placing ourselves into the protecting hands of God." - John-Roger "Focus in the positive keep on moving toward your goal. And do your spiritual exercises, repeat affirmations that work for you and use the other tools you've learned about. These things can help you move forward into Spirit--the goal for us all".--John-Roger One of the most challenging things to do is to expand your focus into the positive when you feel like collapsing into the negative. To move toward expansion is the Master's path. The key is to do it. May grace fill your world and may you rise above the illusion and know the truth. LLS Richard Powell Essence-into-form.com Art by Nicholas Roerich
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