5/5/2021 0 Comments NOW"Your life is NOW. It is not last year, two years ago, or ten years ago. It's right now. Let go of those past patterns that block you and bring you despair, and move yourself into the NOW." - John Roger
So how do you do that? I bring my focus to my breath. I observe where the emotion of the past is inside my body and watch it without thought, without going over the story in my mind and allow it to dissolve. I do a pattern deflect and move into the present moment. Break the habitual pattern that you might have developed over years. It may sound simple but it's not easy. It is a path to freedom. Much LL to you today, right NOW> Richard Powell Essence-into-form.com Art by Salvatore Dali If you want to check out my new book you can click the link NOW AVAILABLE IN PAPERBACK- https://www.essence-into-form.com/
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