7/26/2021 0 Comments Not a Beggar"You are not a beggar unless you choose to express that consciousness. You have free choices. However you will it, you will have it."--John-Roger
"All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts..."-- William Shakespeare Many of us believe we are our emotions, our circumstances. I AM depressed I AM angry I AM poor These emotions and circumstances are passing through. What you grab and hold in your mind can define you in the moment but is really transitory. As we move into reframing our world, focusing on what we want rather than being blown around and just reacting, it can be like learning a new script. You may feel awkward at first but the more you go into character, learning the lines of "As you Like it.." the easier it gets and you become that role. In truth the role behind any mask is the I AM, the divine. May you be aware of your true nature as you walk through this play called life. LLS Richard Powell Essence-into-form.com Art by Devorah Spillman
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