10/1/2023 0 Comments No Secrets"When we come into the Spirit, it is fully revealed. There are no secrets. There is nothing hiding. It is all known. When we do that, we have transformation. Our doubts don't make it. They get burned up along the way. What makes it is the purer part which can involve a purification process, a cleansing and clearing of fears and negative thinking." - John Morton, DSS
“The most sublime but least known of all the Pythagorean speculations was that of sidereal harmonics. It was said that of all men only Pythagoras heard the music of the spheres. Apparently the Chaldeans were the first people to conceive of the heavenly bodies joining in a cosmic chant as they moved in stately manner across the sky. Job describes a time "when the stars of the morning sang together," and in The Merchant of Venice the author of the Shakesperian plays writes: "There's not the smallest orb which thou behold'st but in his motion like an angel sings." - ~ From from The Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly P Hall Peace inside of me and peace in Ukraine, Russia, Iran and Afghanistan. Peace be still. LLS Richard Powell www.Essence-into-form.com https://calendly.com/rlplifeconsulting/60min Art - kinukoycraft | Air | 2020
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