2/10/2018 0 Comments Miracles"As you sit in meditation, in spiritual exercises, in silence, in contemplation, you can open to the higher centers of Spirit within you, where the precipitation of abundance starts, and permit it to come down.
As it does, it can present itself as intuition, in flashing pictures, forms, colors, and even words that form in the mind to start the manifestation. Sometimes you may energize them with feelings and then physically move on them. As you do that, the by-product is enthusiasm. You can ride the enthusiasm and do things that you may never have thought possible. With such enthusiasm, we have the ability to work longer hours, stay focused, and accomplish things as if they were miracles in a time warp." - John-Roger May you connect into the next blessing that is at hand for you and may you allow it to manifest in perfection. Peace be still. LLS Richard Powell I will be starting another round of the Abundant 8 program the beginning of March going for 8 weeks Let me know if you want more information. We have 3 MASTER'S PATH TO CREATION workshops coming! One in Memphis, Tennessee March 23-25, One in Ruidoso, New Mexico April 6-8 and one in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on April 20-22. I also do individual work with people on assisting them in creating the life they want to have. Let me know if you want more information. Artist Ivan Aivazovsky
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