4/29/2021 0 Comments Mary Oliver"It seems that in the negative experiences of our physical existence, most of us lose our sense of connection to Soul or to Spirit; we lose our sense of being an intimate part of God. In the midst of feeling hurt and angry and upset, it is easy to forget. When we are struggling to get through each day, to compete in the world, to achieve some level of success, to protect and take care of ourselves and our families, it is so easy to forget that we are of God and loved by God." John-Roger, DSS
Expand in the midst of contraction. Basically, what I have come to realize for myself, is this bottom line. Get up one more time than I fall. When I stretch into moving through the fear, doubt, the worry, then something meets me there and I see the next step. LLS Richard Powell Essence-into-form.com If you want to check out my new book you can click the link NOW AVAILABLE IN PAPERBACK- https://www.essence-into-form.com/
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