8/19/2021 0 Comments Law of Assumption“Hold fast, in your imagination, to all that is lovely and of good report, for the lovely and the good are essential in your life if it is to be worthwhile. Assume it. You do this by imagining that you already are what you want to be — and already have what you want to have. “As a man thinketh in his heart so is he.” Be still and know that you are that which you desire to be, and you will never have to search for it. In spite of your appearance of freedom of action, you obey,... as everything else does, the law of assumption.” - Neville Goddard
As we get closer to the precipitation, the blessings manifesting into your life, if there are any misbeliefs or energies that are between you and that, they could come forward to clear. Know that this is a blessing as well. It could come in the form of discouragement and wanting to give up, but that is the precise moment to continue holding the focus for what you want and using forgiveness and awareness to clear the judgements and or the false programming. May you go into the assumption of your highest good, your abundance and grace, and the blessings that already are. And, of course, asking all of this for the highest good. LLS Richard Powell Essence-into-form.com
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