10/21/2018 0 Comments Imagine In"Once you have set a goal or direction for yourself, you may experience a fear of failure, a fear of being unable to measure up and reach that goal. You're in good company. I'm sure that everyone on the planet has experienced this fear. There are no real failures, however. The word failure is only your interpretation of a test you aren't prepared to handle yet.
Perhaps the reason you aren't prepared to handle it is that you haven't imaged-in enough correct information. You haven't gone over it enough in your mind, placed it in your emotions as confidence, or placed it in your body as a skill that you can produce when the test comes. These so-called failures aren't recorded against you. You can simply say, "Yes, I failed that course. I guess I had better repeat it." Or "I guess I'm not cut out for that. I'll start in another direction." The test does not record your failure; you record your failure. The test records your lack of preparation and reveals to you the work necessary for your success. Understanding this, you may see that your job is to go back, review the material you didn't understand before, and learn it this time. When you can approach life with the attitude that each step is a preparation for the next step, you'll be in good territory." -John-Roger DSS I love this quote. Many times in my life I have recorded something as a failure. In doing this I can freeze, I can stop focusing on what I want and go to "I'm not good enough...It's my karma...I'm stuck...embarrassed, guilty, ashamed...etc." All of those judgements take your eye off of what you want and onto the failure. In doing this you create more failure. To be able to keep yourself focused on what you want to create, and doing reframing, forgiveness, healing of those things that keep you from "success", is not necessarily easy. It is the path of the Spiritual Warrior...it's the master's path to creation. May you focus on your success and may Grace come in and carry you there. Peace be still LLS Richard Powell Authentic-Abundance.weebly.com The Master's Path to Creation Workshop in Edmonton, Canada on Nov 9-11 and to Westlake Village, California on Nov 16-18. In Ruidoso, New Mexico on December 7-9th and coming soon to Austin, Texas. Painting by John William Waterhouse
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