1/8/2022 0 Comments Create, Promote, or Allow"Loving fills the lack and opens the awareness of the inner wisdom and the knowledge that you are the creator of your universe and that nothing happens to you that you do not create, promote, or allow. Loving is that active, dynamic part of you that accepts responsibility for all that you are and will be and lives in a state of open awareness."
John-Roger So I create, promote, or allow EVERYTHING in my life? Oh crap.... What I have done with this before is to say..."then I am a terrible creator. Look at what I have done!" This too is the beginning or the maintaining of the creation that I am a terrible creator and keeps that cycle showing up in my life. The key for me is to realize that I am doing it. Do a "pattern interrupt", forgiveness, notice any unconscious programming or misbelief that I have from my upbringing or maybe even other lives and start healing those, or re educating myself. I am a powerful creator. Begin consciously to direct my mind and focus on what I DO WANT in my life. It's the difference between getting in a boat and just letting the current of my unconscious take me where it will or getting the motor on the boat turned on and drive the boat where I want to go. I loved riding in fast motorboats when I was a kid. LLS Richard Powell Essence-into-form.com Art by Giulia Rosa
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