3/1/2018 0 Comments Co Creation“Surrender your creation to a greater mind, planting a seed in the infinite field of possibilities—and just let it go! Finally, bless your body with a new mind. Bless your life, bless your challenges, bless your soul, bless your past, and bless your future. Bless the divine in you, and open your heart and give thanks for a new life before it’s made manifest. Slowly bring your awareness back to the room and when you’re ready, open your eyes. Get up from your meditation as though your
future has already happened—and let the synchronicities and new possibilities find you."--Joe Dispenza "That you can behold, you can become." - J-R May you behold the abundance, health, wealth, happiness, prosperity, riches, and joy, and may you share that with those you find on your path. Peace be still. LLS Richard Powell I will be starting another round of the Abundant 8 program the beginning of March going for 8 weeks Let me know if you want more information. We have 3 MASTER'S PATH TO CREATION workshops coming! One in Memphis, Tennessee March 23-25, One in Ruidoso, New Mexico April 6-8 and one in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on April 20-22. I also do individual work with people on assisting them in creating the life they want to have. Let me know if you want more information.
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