1/17/2022 0 Comments Center in Silence"When we center ourselves in silence, we make the choice to become open and willing to live life fully. Regardless of what comes to us, we become willing to expand instead of pulling back -- contracting -- when we don't like what's happening.
Expansion is the key." - John-Roger Expansion in the midst of contraction is going into new territory, it's laying new ground, it's co creating with the Source what you want rather than being moved by the winds of the unconscious. It may seem unfamiliar and awkward when you do it but it is moving mountains of karma and rewiring you for the new. This rewiring is not only with your beliefs but it actually rewires the body, the neurons, the cells, and even the DNA. It moves who you are at the core. Peace be still. LLS Richard Powell Essence-into-form.com Art -La mente y el rio van by Tomás Sánchez - 2011
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