4/24/2022 0 Comments Break Free"We start to see each experience as a teaching to be brought into awareness and loved until we are free from being captivated by the experience. As we begin to awaken, experiences lead to reflection and contemplation. Then as we become more aware, experiences become a fire of purification, a burning ground of the ego, grist for the mill of developing consciousness, food enabling the emerging soul to break free from it's bonds." ~ Ram Dass
To be deep in our negative karma and feel hopeless even though others looking at you and your situation may say, "it's not so bad! You will get through it!" is a sign it may be "a fire of purification, a burning ground of the ego, grist for the mill." To be able to lift your head up enough to go...this is my opportunity to clear a big one, this is my opportunity to break free. This is a Master's path...get to neutral ground, observe, and let the fires of karma burn what is not you. What is left is Soul. What is left is freedom. Peace be still and may Grace rule your world. LLS Richard Powell Essence-into-form.com Heal.me/richardpowell Art by Ivan Fedorovich Choultsé (1874-1939)
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