6/20/2021 0 Comments A Natural Way"There is a natural way for us to progress, and then there is the way that is attempting to control and manipulate life. We can look at this in terms of masculine and feminine polarities. The masculine attempts to control and direct his "empire;" he always strives to be in a superior position, the "macho" consciousness.
The feminine doesn't have to do any of this because she is flowing in a more natural harmony with everything around, so there is no need for rules and regulations and usurpation of power. What we need to do is to blend the negative and positive polarities to come into the balance of a neutral consciousness where we can maintain and hold the power of our own self while flowing very naturally with all things around us. We take the best of both the masculine and feminine consciousnesses and blend them. Yes, it is ideal; and yes, it is possible." - John-Roger DSS To be able to focus on what you want and move toward that and at the same time flow with what shows up is co creation. Sometimes we focus on what we want and a challenge shows up, then we judge the process or ourselves and stop. To be able to take in the challenge as information and learn from that while continuing to hold the focus on what the essence of the outcome is that we want to manifest is a master's path. May you continue moving toward the creation and use the stepping stones of forgiveness and reframing to get you across the rough waters. LLS Richard Powell Essence-into-form.com Art by Vlad M
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