2/24/2024 0 Comments Individual and World Peace"Individual peace is the prelude to world peace. Individual peace starts with you, regardless of what anybody else does. You can have peace in relationships by not entering into conflicts. We can have peace in this world by not entering into war." John-Roger, DSS
"Individual and World Peace" was how J-R put it when we would travel into areas of potential conflict. We went to Israel and Egypt multiple times. Even when it was considered not safe to go by some reports. Individual peace first. Hold the peace inside of me instead of the upset over the outer chaos or fear. I pray for peace both inside of me and in Ukraine and the Middle East specifically. Pray as if it is already done. Peace be still. LLS Richard Powell www.Essence-into-Form.com Art by Gustave Dore
1/4/2024 0 Comments The Essence of AffirmationsI have wealth beyond measure.
God is my infinite supply. Large sums of money come to me quickly, under grace, in perfect ways, for the highest good. - (an affirmation I heard from J-R and originally from Florence Scovel Shinn) God's wealth is circulating in my life. It flows to me in avalanches of abundance. All my needs and goals are met instantaneously by the Infinite Supply for I am one with God and God is everything. All for the highest good. - (A play on an affirmation from Tony Robbins) I have found to use affirmations effectively it works to throw my whole body and voice into it. I use to say them rote, just to get the words out. The more I can feel the essence and get the enthusiasm going around them the more effective they are. Also if I can visualize and go into the "living vision" of seeing, hearing, feeling it as much as possible I find that this "supercharges" the affirmation. May you experience the wealth and joy of the source. Peace inside of me and peace in Ukraine, Russia, Iran and the world. Peace be still. LLS Richard Powell https://www.essence-into-form.com Photo of Ashford Castle in Ireland by Custom Travel with Val 1/2/2024 0 Comments No Space“There is no end. No wrong turn. No structure. Only space. You say: 'I am afraid I am going to hit a wall.' Well, guess what - it’s made of space.”
― Bentinho Massaro The only restrictions you have are the ones you place on yourself. Dr. Bruce Lipton has said about 90% of what we do comes from our unconscious programming. A good place to begin, I have found, is through forgiving myself of the judgements I have placed on myself. Interrupt the unconscious pattern and then focus on what you want to create. If you can do this consistently the pattern can begin to shift. It may take a week, a month, or years depending on how deep the pattern is laid. I also ask for spiritual assistance and grace. May your New Year be filled with abundance, prosperity, joy and kindness. Peace be still. LLS, Richard Powell www.Essence-into-form.com "Trajan's Kiosk by the Nile, Egypt", 1876 by, Hermann David Solomon Corrod 12/15/2023 0 Comments The Issue"You can't be upset unless you allow it. You can't be controlled unless you allow it. You can't go crazy and lose your mind unless you allow it. You're in a very unique position. You are a creator. You can create harmony or discord, happiness or despair, joy or depression, productiveness or lack." -John-Roger
“The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation but your thoughts about it.” - Ekhart Tolle "This whole world boils down to one word - energy - and it's either used for you or against you, but it is used." ~ John-Roger, DSS. "How you relate to the issue IS the issue." - Drs Ron and Mary Hulnick If you do get upset, look at it like a reflex action. Like if someone hit your knee and it kicked. What do you do after that? You can either go, dang it! I should have kept my knee still, I'm so out of control! Or you can just go to the stillness. Touch back into the center, the quiet, and move from there. Peace inside of me and peace in the world. Peace be still. LLS Richard Powell www.Essence-into-form.com Art - Rocky Coast in the Moonlight, circa 1830. Painted by Johann Nepomuk Schödlberger. 12/14/2023 0 Comments Not One SoulOut of God comes all things.
God Loves all it's creation. Not one Soul will be lost. - John-Roger Peace be still. LLS Richard Powell www.Essence-into-Form.com Artist unknown 12/12/2023 0 Comments The Spiritual Heart"The way the Beloved can fit in my heart, two thousand lives could fit in this body of mine. One kernel could contain a thousand bushels, and a hundred worlds pass through the eye of the needle." - Rumi
"The heart knows the truth, and it is through the heart that we perceive Spirit. When the spiritual heart is open, then the spiritual eye is opened. Then love flows back and forth, and the Soul is awakened to its glory. You are in paradise even though you live in this physical world. The physical body will still express emotional and mental qualities, but your energies, your direction, and your upliftment come from the Soul. And that, Beloved, is a beautiful place to live." John-Roger, DSS Peace be still. LLS Richard Powell www.Essence-into-form.com Art - Philippe de Champaigne - Saint Augustine | 1620 - 1674 | Religious art | Los Angeles County Museum of Art 12/8/2023 0 Comments The Impact"Shift toward the liberation, the beauty of the moment, the willingness to embrace the impact, the hurt. Something powerful goes on whenever we direct ourselves toward accepting and cooperating with whatever is in our presence. We move closer to God's presence in all things." - John Morton
Peace be still. LLS Richard Powell www.Essence-Into-Form.com Art by Gaetano Previati in Milano at Gallerie di piazza della Scala 12/7/2023 0 Comments Sorrow“Sorrow prepares you for joy. It violently sweeps everything out of your house, so that new joy can find space to enter. It shakes the yellow leaves from the bough of your heart, so that fresh, green leaves can grow in their place. It pulls up the rotten roots, so that new roots hidden beneath have room to grow. Whatever sorrow shakes from your heart, far better things will take their place.”
― Jalaluddin Rumi Peace be still. LLS Richard Powell www.Essence-into-Form.com Art - Thomas Cole 12/6/2023 0 Comments December 06th, 2023"Spiritual awakening is the process of giving up all forms and conditions that hold you to the material world. Let them go as you do when you breathe. With every new breath, you give up the old breath you took a moment ago. So with this new breath, breathe in Spirit and life and awareness. Now let that go so you can breathe in new life, new awareness, new awakening." John-Roger, DSS
Peace be still. LLS Richard Powell www.Essence-Into-Form.com Art - Vincent van Gogh (1853 -1890): Starry Night Over the Rhone, 1888 12/5/2023 0 Comments Freedom"Your freedom lies in making your own choices. You do not have to accept someone else's vision of you. You do not even have to dislike them. If they dislike you, that is their negativity to deal with as they choose. You will be further ahead to leave their judgments for them to handle. You don't have to look to anyone else for approval. Go inside for the only approval that's true.Once you discover your own approval, with integrity and no illusions, you will then know what freedom is. And no one can take that away. " - John-Roger, DSS
Freedom... Peace inside of me and peace in the world. Peace be still. LLS Richard Powell www.essence-into-form.com Art - Tuco Amalfi |