1/26/2020 0 Comments The Source Within“One must find the source within one's own Self, one must possess it. Everything else was seeking -- a detour, an error.”
― Hermann Hesse, Siddhartha In my M blessing given to me many years ago there is a line.. "Inside is the Source, and the Action." I was confused by that for years. Action is something to take on the outside, the world, I thought. From where I am now I see things differently. I have spoken about the billions of bits of information that comes into us at any moment. We process about 4,000 bits from that through our filters that we have developed over our lifetime or lifetimes. Those filters are put in place by our parents, our friends, ourselves in order for the mind to try and understand the infinity of Source. If I go in and move the filters, take action within in relation to the Source then I change my world. Then I can realize that I am not separate from the Source, I am not separate at all from anyone or anything. That is when Transcendence happens. That is when you can, "overcome the world." LLS Richard Powell Essence-into-form.com 🌟💜🌟THE TRIANGLE OF MANIFESTATION- THE MASTER'S PATH TO CREATION - COMING JANUARY 27, 2020🌟This program is now full. Next one begins in March🌟💜🌟 Art by Stephen DaLuz
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