1/5/2023 0 Comments Like Attracts Like"It doesn’t matter how old your physical body is or whether you’re male or female. This joy or peace is not prejudiced at any level. It lets you do as you please, and if that doing has been good, then you’ll attract good into you from now on. And if it’s been bad, if there is such a thing, you will attract that to you from now on—but you can choose to change. So your big challenge in this world—and it is a big one—is to hold the pictures in your mind that you want more of, not what you want less of, because there is a cosmic law that says “like attracts like.”--John-Roger
I realized that if I found myself focusing on what I didn't want, knowing "like attracts like", I would end up then judging myself for not holding the positive, I would consider myself a failure. Now, when I become aware of the negative coming into my thoughts, I do forgiveness for any judgements around that, I do a pattern interrupt and then redirect myself back into the positive. I have come to realize that Mastery is not necessarily not having the negative come in, but shifting the focus back to the positive when I realize it's there. This is eternal vigilance and it lays the groundwork for the Grace to come in. Peace be still. LLS Richard Powell Essence-into-form.com Heal.me/richardpowell Art - Nicholas Roerich
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