11/15/2022 0 Comments Energy Follows Thought"You are in this world to learn to use the energy of creation wisely in order to bring about completion. An important key to remember is that the energy of Spirit follows the thoughts you hold. Wherever you direct this spiritual energy in the material world, things are manifested.There's an old saying: "What you fear comes upon you." It means you become a magnet for what you fear, and you create for yourself the very thing you're afraid of. Is there a real source of fear? No. Is there real fear? Yes. It is inside of you, and you are the creator of it. You give birth to your own fear. Under the energy of fear is the energy of pure Spirit, which allows you to create whatever you want. This is the unconditional loving of Spirit, allowing you to do whatever you will with your body, emotions, and mind".- John-Roger
Peace inside of me and peace in Ukraine, Russia and the world. Peace be still. LLS Richard Powell Essence-into-form.com Heal.me/richardpowell Art - The Bay of Naples at moonlit night. Vesuvius, 1870, Ivan Aivazovski
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